
Riverton City Park Splash Pad

When we are sick of the indoors and want a break from the heat, we go to the Riverton City Park splash pad! We go several times a week sometimes and it never gets old for the boys.

J. Merrill can be often found observing the water fall through the drains. It's the future engineer in him, I know it.

Jr mingles with all the kids. He's my socialite. He taps the pad sensor when the water fountains stop to recycle (he's figured this all out). When the water turns back on he points to the water and tells the other kids to go play. So funny.

J. Merrill is the best cheeser when it comes to smiling for the camera. He says "teese" and gives me glorious smiles for about five seconds, long enough for me to sneak in a capture or two, before he goes back to his play.
The little man sets goals and works for them. He's been practicing his walk daily.

The older one is usually done with the camera like yesterday. I hope to catch shots of his smile one day because he's got a great one.

Looking forward to more splash pad parties!

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